Creating Comfortable Environments in Large Spaces
Both our industrial and commercial clients will agree: large facilities, warehouses and other big spaces can become miserable when the temperatures outside change. Installing a rooftop unit can make a huge difference, not only in the temperature, but, in employee morale and retention. Contact us and let us tour your facility and provide a quote for installing a quality, energy efficient rooftop unit. When it comes time for the install, you’ll have the added benefit of our in-house metal fabrication department and crane service that saves us time and saves you money. There’s no waiting around for outside resources for duct work or a crane to fit you into their schedule.
Call us and let us work with you to find a solution for heating and cooling your large spaces.
We’re prepared to provide both our industrial and commercial customers with:
- Rooftop Units
- Boilers
- Chillers
- Direct Change-outs
- Fire Suppression
- Dust Collection
- Air Make Up Units
- Fabrication of Custom Ducts

Rooftop Units
It’s Hard to Stop a Trane® . And, for that reason, we have been a Certified Trane® Dealer for many years. The industry-leading technology built in to their rooftop units delivers unsurpassed indoor air quality and energy efficiency. With their superior EER and IEER ratings you can be assured of outstanding occupant comfort along with energy efficient-operation. Call and let us customize an installation that perfectly suits your needs. Trane® offers a variety of sizes from small to large. And, not to worry, Their rooftop units are able to connect directly to your building automation systems for enhanced monitoring, maintenance and performance optimization.

Since introducing boilers to our services portfolio several years ago, we have consistently increased our knowledge of their technological advances. Those industries whose very existence depends upon safe, efficient boiler operation, have become long-term customers with an assurance that we will install and maintain their units for peak performance and efficiency. No matter the size of your installation, we are up to the task.
Call today and join our long list of satisfied customers.

Big Chillers
A new installation, a replacement or a repair – we have the solution to suit any size space or situation. In some applications, a chiller can deliver advantages in efficiency that are not realized with an air-cooled system. They can also lessen the impact on the environment.
We can help you decide on a chiller that will work best for you and offer options that make the most sense for your application.

Direct Change-Outs
When a unit fails completely, you want it replaced as quickly and efficiently as possible – keeping downtime to a bare minimum.
We’ll perform a direct change-out in the least amount of time possible and with minimum impact to productivity.

Fire Suppression
A top-quality fire suppression system is invaluable in facilities where sprinklers are simply inadequate to do the job. In many situations, a facility uses flammable substances that are not affected by water. Water, in some cases, may also spread the fire as opposed to extinguishing it.
We can design a fire suppression system for your facility that will detect the fire and use the perfect fire suppression substance or combination of substances that suit your exacting requirements.

Dust Collection
The build up of dust in the air not only endangers employees, but the dust can creep into your equipment and shorten its useful life. An efficient dust collection system can improve the quality of your breathable air, with the additional advantage of keeping machinery free of dust contamination.
We are prepared to design a system that will work for your specific space and requirements.

Air Make Up
We like to think of it as helping your space to “breathe.” Out with the old air, in with the new. When your processes involve the need to exhaust the air inside the facility, then, it needs to be replenished with an equal amount of fresh air.
We can install an Air Make Up System to create the efficient exchange of air inside any sized space to not only improve the air quality within your building, but protect the health of those who work there.

Custom Duct Fabrication
Like others in our business, we used to have to put our orders in to metal fabricators who would create the ducting for your project. That’s not the case anymore. We maintain our own facility in order to insure your duct work is done right and to our exacting specifications.
We don’t have to wait, and, we don’t have to worry that a piece of duct work won’t fit, which could result in a re-order that could put your project behind schedule.
Additionally We Can Also Provide Service & Maintenance Of All Installations: